Tuesday, November 13, 2012


Today is my day of rest. Tuesdays. It took an hour to get out of bed this morning. Fifteen minutes to put on my boots, and another hour to drink a cup of coffee which made my teeth ache like the grinding of gears in a machine springing to life, or not. Not all mornings are like this, only Tuesdays. A friend came by my sunny spot this morning, hoping I had come to some grand conclusion about commitment (we were, in fact, discussing commitment the night before). I said no, I honestly don't care about it today, because today is Tuesday. She looked disappointed and confused, (which I think should be a new emotion altogether) but left it alone. Surely that interaction is in a smiths song somewhere. But this isn't what I came here (college, this state of mind, the sunderland cafe, swannanoa, the world) to say...

It is days like this that I drink coffee. Because coffee isn't good. It isn't bad either, it's just coffee. Sitting in the library, I decided to smirk my way past Jackson (as I usually do). And then, "DUDE, writing is so fun! I'm writing my senior letter and,""OH DOOOOD! me too! I drank coffee this morning and it made my teeth ache so I wrote about it!""SICK". So, short story longer, we made this blog. It is coffee stained, much like all my pants. This is the story of Riley and Jackson's life towards the end of something frustratingly big and complex (college, this state of mind, the sunderland cafe, swannanoa, the world).



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